Sunday, November 28, 2010

pictures from thanksgiving

Mom, Allison, Rebok and Dad
Aunt Lynn, Aunt Katherine, Mom and Allison
My family... being 'candid'
the boys
the ladies

Thursday, November 25, 2010

don't skip Thanksgiving

I was talking with a friend yesterday, and we came to the conclusion that, for whatever reason, Thanksgiving has been skipped this year. The stores went from Halloween decorations to Christmas decorations. No wonder time seems to be passing by at warp speed.... we forgot a holiday! I don't like to skip holidays. I love to decorate my extra small shoebox (aka my apartment). I can't wait to one day have a house and be able to decorate more, but for now, I have to stick with the very small space that I have. When I think of Thanksgiving decorations, I think of pumpkins, fall colors, candles and cranberries...among many other things. These are a few fabulous decorations I came across the other day. I wish I had the space for all of them in my shoebox! Aren't they pretty??!?! Me likey.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I am truly blessed. I have so many things to be thankful for:
  • my parents
  • my crazy sisters
  • amazing friends
  • having a job
  • living in Austin
  • having an huge/crazy/Godly/sometimes overwhelming loud/loving/wonderful extended family who I am close with and get to see often.
  • sunshine
  • roommate reunions
  • church
  • Estes Park, Colorado
  • google maps
  • the lake house
  • evening walks
  • phone conversations with friends who are far away
  • road trips
  • sales at all my favorite places
  • pictures
  • DVR
  • Baylor University
  • pockets on almost any type of clothing
  • fun jewelry... or "costume jewelry" as my mom would call it.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. I am truly blessed and beyond lucky. Thank you Jesus.

amazing roomies/roommate reunions
my crazy family
sweet friends
my sisters and parents


Mark my words. I will never dress my children in matching outfits. I will never make them wear hideous matching hats. My mother should be ashamed of herself. I. Am. Appalled.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I love Glee. I know I am just one of the thousands of other people who love it, and I am totally fine with that. I mean, what's not to love? Great songs? Check. Awesome performances? Check. Incredibly witty one liners by Sue Sylvester? Check. Gwyneth Paltrow on last week's episode? CHECK!
Thank you Gwyneth for the Umbrella/Singing in the Rain smash up. It was lovely. I very much enjoyed it. While we are on the subject, I would also like to give credit to the Stop! In the name of Love/Free your Mind smash up and the Start me up/Livin on a Prayer smash up. But, I will admit, I love all the smashes. If you are one of the few people who have never seen the show, please don't talk to me ever again until you have watched at least one episode. Thanks. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baylor vs. A&M

Last weekend Baylor played A&M. We tried hard, but couldn't pull out a win. Right now, our record is 7-4, which is great! We are still bowl eligible and have improved SO MUCH! This weekend was full of fun friends, which equals a win in my book. I ran into my sweet little, Anna. I always love seeing her! Mary and Craig came to the game and tailgate. I am ignoring the fact that Craig went to A&M.... All in all, another great weekend for the books.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

pray big

My uncle, Will Davis, is a preacher, writer and all around great guy. I look up to him so much! One of my favorite books of his is Pray Big: The Power of Pinpoint Prayers. It teaches you how to pray. He writes about how it is okay to pray for the little things, pray for yourself and pray for the things that you might not think worthy of a prayer. I learned a lot from this book, and recommend it to anyone and everyone!

Today's Pinpoint Prayer: Lord Jesus, I pray that you might pour out your grace and peace on me and my family today as I lean into my relationship with you. From 2 Peter 1:2.

Dear Lord,
Please help me learn to trust you more when I am uncertain and questioning. Please teach me how to trust the uncertainty, because I know it is not uncertain to you. You have your hand on my future, and you are looking out for me. Please help me to relax in that knowledge.

Rebok is engaged

My sweet baby sister got ENGAGED on Friday. What a wonderful night! Kyle did a great job of surprising her and getting the family in town for the occasion. He even had a photographer hiding, taking pictures of the engagement. We all gathered at his house and celebrated the couple after SHE SAID YES. I can't believe it. When Rebecca and Kyle were telling the story, I couldn't help but think she is still my little sister playing dress up. I have always been so protective of my sisters- I want them to be treated well, have a strong Christian guy by their side and more. Rebecca found the perfect guy for her. I couldn't be more excited for them! They have so much to look forward to. They want to be married in May or June, so....let the wedding planning begin!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chocolate Zucchini bread

I have been in the mood to bake. I think it has something to do with the weather. The cold weather makes me want to make my apartment smell yummy with delicious homemade goodies. I borrowed one of Brad's favorite recipes from him mom, and decided to give it a try. I think it turned out pretty good. Granted, I am very new to this whole baking thing. I spent maybe 45 minutes in the store trying to find all the right ingredients, and I bugged my mom at least 6 times. Obviously the finished product didn't turn out as good as hers, but, for my first time making it, I would give myself an A.

Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipe

1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. canola oil
1 3/4 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla
1/2 c. buttermilk
2 1/2 c. flour
4 t. cocoa
1/2 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. cloves
1/4 t. salt
2 c. grated zucchini

Cream butter, oil and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla and buttermilk and mix well. Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, and salt. Add dry ingredients to sugar mixture. Mix in grated zucchini. Put into 2 greased loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Team TGA

What a great group of people to work with!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baylor beats UT

Walking into the game on Saturday, I was not 100% confident we would win. I knew it was going to be a good game, but I wasn't sure if we could take it home. Don't get me wrong, I have faith in my bears, but let's be honest here, it's UT. They were going to come ready to play... especially after another failed attempt at winning a game. My goal of the game was for it to be a good one. I wanted our bears to play well, and play with confidence. If we won, it would be AMAZING! If we lost, at least it would be okay since we played well. However, WE DID IT! WE BEAT UT! Oh, what a glorious feeling!
Coming from a Baylor and UT family, I have always been a fan of both teams. Growing up, I went to a ton of UT games, since both my parents went there. However, every single person on my mom's side of the family went to Baylor... minus my parents. So much green and gold blood. It's awesome. We have Mimo (Pi Phi) and Gdad (played football and was the President of the Board of Regents), Lynn (Kappa) and Bill (KOT), Susie (Pi Phi) and Will (KOT), and the cousins... Bill, Kate, Allison, Davis, Will, Natalie and Emily. We have added 2 new members- Whitney and Leanne. All of us are proud Baylor Bears. With the win, came the family text messages, probably one of my favorite parts about the win. We have Lynn texting- Jesus can come back now. Bill texting- Unbelievable. We should call Gdad. I ran into Will and Sara as we were leaving- we ran towards each other, hugged, took a picture- it was magical. I love that Baylor brings the family closer together (sorry mom, dad and Rebok.)
In case anyone was questioning, I have photographic proof of the blessed event. Baylor beats UT- 30 to 22. It happened.
A few of Baylor's biggest fans. Seriously- these guys are legit. I was concerned about Brad's heart on a few of the calls.