My dad has always been the quiet type. It’s probably because he had 3 daughters and a wife. He did it for his own good. When I was growing up, he was a huge supporter of "no TV time." This, of course, used to bug the begezzies of Allison, Rebecca and me. How dare he want to sit and talk to his children when he gets home from work?! The nerve! Of course after temper tantrums because we were missing Full House or Baywatch (yes, this happened) we would calm down and talk to each other. I suppose we enjoyed it, although we would never admit it at the time. I forgot how great it is to turn on the television and simply talk. I was reminded of this joy on Sunday night.
Brad (the bf for the one other person who reads this besides Mary) was exhausted and asked if we could simply eat dinner in front of the TV and watch a football game. Isn’t that what every girl wants to hear from their boyfriend? (Watching a football game for me means bringing a crossword puzzle to do while he watches the game.) I took over dinner and we plopped our self on his couch ready to eat and watch football (my pen was poised ready for the puzzle). We say grace and turn on the TV.... to find the cable not working. Brad was beyond distraught. He spent a good 15 minutes turning it off/turning it on/rebooting/etc. He finally gave up and goes "well, looks like we are just going to have to talk tonight." (AWE. ISN'T HE SO ROMANTIC?!) After dinner, since the TV was still not working, and he was semi-over the fact that he was missing his game; we decided to take a walk down South Congress for a snow cone. Even though the snow cone place was closed (clearly the world was working against us on Sunday), it was so relaxing to stroll down the street. Having no cable was so great! Imagine it- a night of silence to talk to someone. A night of silence to take a lazy stroll in the city you love. What a wonderful night! Um, can I unplug the TV once a week?
I now understand why my dad loved the no TV time. Daddy, you have taught me so much- just add this to the list! Not only did it get me out of watching a football game (I can save my crossword puzzle for the next one), but it gave me a chance to relax and talk with a cute boy. :)
1. Keep it classy. Gdad (aka Muffin) was the essence of classy this weekend. On Sat morning, a group of us stroll down (half awake) to the hotel restaurant for some breakfast. We are in jorts, t-shirts, flip flops… the usual Saturday morning attire. We walk in to find Gdad eating breakfast… IN A SUIT. When asked why he was so dressed up at 9AM on a Saturday morning, he replies with “Well, this is all I brought for the weekend.” Yes, true story. We see him at lunch- in a suit. Hanging out in the lobby mid afternoon- in a suit. Brunch Sunday morning before everyone leaves- in a suit. The man wore 1 suit Friday through Sunday. Clearly the essence of class.
2. Recover from embarrassing moment gracefully. My mom had the textbook definition of an embarrassing moment. She loves to dance. She usually dances alone while my dad sits quietly watching (and most likely judging her and wondering how he ended up with her.) I like to describe her as a “jumpy” dancer who bobs up and down (usually while clapping.) Will 3 was dancing with her… spinning her all over the place. One minute, everything is great, the next, she somehow loses control of her body, does a 720 spin out of control and falls onto the ground (almost sliding under a table). My dad (being the gentleman that he is) gets up to check on her. I see this happen- gasp, laugh and then start going over there to check on her as well. Before we can get there, Will 3 grabs her with 1 arm, pulls her up, and she keeps right on dancing/jumping/ bobbing out of control. Way to go mom. You recovered with nothing but grace….ish.
3. Take over the dance floor. I think this needs little explanation. I’m a bit surprised there was room for anyone else after the 17 of us got on the dance floor. There were moves you wouldn’t ever dare to do in public. I found out my family has little to no shame when it comes to dancing. At 1 point, my crazy Uncle Will was screaming the lyrics and jumping up and down, my mom was singing into her hand (which of course had transformed into a mic), my sister and cousins were doing all sorts of awkward yet awesome dance moves and everyone else had kind of backed away so they could watch the Davis family cut loose. Case and Point- we took over the dance floor.
4. Capture the evening. Taking pictures is key to any good event…you want to remember the memories you are making. We have a plethora of pictures to choose from. We have nice pictures before our hair got all messed up from the dancing, photo booth pictures out the wazoo, action pictures, model pictures, solo shots… you name it- we have it. I’m fairly certain that the majority of the pictures and wedding video will be of my hyperactive family. Sorry Davis and Leanne.
As you can see, we are a blast to have at any wedding. We take our responsibility seriously. Please feel free to invite us to your next event… we won’t let you down. OH, PS, we are plus 16... not 1...