So, awkward story. Good thing this blog is called excuse me for being awkward, because apparently, I am.
I go to the same coffee shop almost every morning. They make this great iced coffee blend for $2- doesn't get much better then that.
Anyhoo, I pull up this morning in the small parking lot and head inside. I get my coffee, say hello to the usual crew of people who also go there on a semi-daily basis and head back out to my car. I click my clicker to unlock it, open the door and get inside only to realize that I am not in MY car...something is off. I'm sitting in someone else's car... WHAT THE HECK?!
So, I'm sitting in a car that isn't mine, trying to figure out what the hell is going on, when, of course, the owner comes outside. He is probably thinking the same thing I am- how am I not in MY car? Awesome job Katelyn. You ended up in a stranger's car.
I see him walking towards HIS car so I jump out and yell, "Oh gosh. I'm so sorry! We have the same car!"
He looks perplexed and says, "Um, no? We don't?"
I literally ran away to my car (in heels and a dress) and drove away.
Let's back track a smidgen so I can explain a few things:
- Yes, we did have the same car. It was a black highlander. IDENTICAL.
- When I pulled up, it wasn't there. It pulled up after I had already walked in.
- I used my clicker to unlock my car. However, he did not lock his car. So, when his car opened, I just automatically assumed it was my car.
- I was half awake when this happened.
- My car was 1 spot over. Homeboy parked directly next to me, which blocked me from seeing my car.... or the fact that there were 2 twin cars parked next to each other.
UUGGHHHH. Why am I so awkward?! I don't mean to be! Can I blame my parents for this?

Quote from my mom after I tell her my story: Oh my! You need to wake up Kate! This is hysterical! Only you Katelyn!! *Glad I could entertain you mother dearest.