Monday, June 20, 2011
a girl just needs her daddy.
When I was in middle school and had homework questions, I would always go to my mom first. My dad would always get into the assignment a little too much for my liking. All I wanted to do was finish my homework so I could go roller blade outside with Genie and listen to Ace of Base. My dad did not seem to realize (or care) that every minute I spent on homework, I was missing out on super fun and important things outside. I always knew I was in for the long answer when he would get the Atlas out. UGH. To add to my frustration, he would never tell me the answer! He would want to talk it over with me until I came to the right conclusion on my own. I know now that he was simply trying to teach me and wanted me to soak up everything I could. However, at the time, I was not thankful for his long-winded answers.
Even though he would go overboard on the help, he always knew the answer. He would help me get to the correct answer, without actually telling it to me. When I went to college and after I graduated, I had more important questions to ask him, (like car insurance, proof reading cover letters, etc.) and his long-winded answers were just what I needed! I called him all the time. Seriously. Every major decision I had to make, I called to get his opinion/help. We would talk through things, he would offer his opinion; it was great. He had a plethora amount of knowledge, and I needed to know everything!
Sometimes, I miss my dad's long-winded answers. At times, I find myself aching for his advice and knowledge. Don't get me wrong. My mom is absolutely fantastic, and I would be lost without her, but at times, a girl just needs her daddy. Dads just know things. Random things. Things that only a daddy know. Last night, Brad and I were going over my 401K plan. I just changed jobs and only now eligible to enrolled through the firm. We had a question, and Brad said he was going to call his Dad. I was instantly jealous. I wanted to call my dad. I wanted his advice. I wanted his long-winded answers.
I didn't get to ask him for 401K advice, but I did get to hear about his day and how excited he was that he won in his golf game. While at times I get sad about the things that are no longer possible, I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am that he can share other things with me... like how he beat Uncle David at golf. :) Things are different now, and I am getting better and better at accepting the change.
Even though he would go overboard on the help, he always knew the answer. He would help me get to the correct answer, without actually telling it to me. When I went to college and after I graduated, I had more important questions to ask him, (like car insurance, proof reading cover letters, etc.) and his long-winded answers were just what I needed! I called him all the time. Seriously. Every major decision I had to make, I called to get his opinion/help. We would talk through things, he would offer his opinion; it was great. He had a plethora amount of knowledge, and I needed to know everything!
Sometimes, I miss my dad's long-winded answers. At times, I find myself aching for his advice and knowledge. Don't get me wrong. My mom is absolutely fantastic, and I would be lost without her, but at times, a girl just needs her daddy. Dads just know things. Random things. Things that only a daddy know. Last night, Brad and I were going over my 401K plan. I just changed jobs and only now eligible to enrolled through the firm. We had a question, and Brad said he was going to call his Dad. I was instantly jealous. I wanted to call my dad. I wanted his advice. I wanted his long-winded answers.
I didn't get to ask him for 401K advice, but I did get to hear about his day and how excited he was that he won in his golf game. While at times I get sad about the things that are no longer possible, I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am that he can share other things with me... like how he beat Uncle David at golf. :) Things are different now, and I am getting better and better at accepting the change.
Friday, June 17, 2011
my loud and not so normal family
Last Thursday, my family and I went to dinner at a fancy place here in Austin. Mom really wanted to have one "final dinner with just the 5 of us" before the wedding festivities started. We dressed up and went to the Headliners Club and had our own private room. Within five minutes of being there, I was quickly reminded why it was a good thing we had a private room! My family is loud and goofy. A few of our normal family conversations (keep in mind that we probably talk at a level louder then most):
Mom stands up and tries to give a toast about how things are changing and she is so thankful for all of us. Blah Blah Blah. You can see the tears gathering in her eyes. Allison interrups- "Mom! Are you crying?" Me- "Omgosh. Mom. She isn't dying. You need to relax." Rebecca- "I'm the bride. I'm the bride. Mom- "UGH! Ok. Fiiinneeeee girls." (Dad just sitting and watching all of this happen... keeping his thoughts to himself.)
Rebecca was trying to go over the wedding weekend agenda. Allison kept interrupting, not letting her get through it. The next thing I know, Mom, Allison, and Rebecca break into a song from the Sound of Music. Dad hums in the background. It went something like this:
Rebecca- "Ok. Let's start at the beginning."
Mom and Allison look at each other and then quickly start singing- "Doe. A Deer. A female deer. Rae. A drop of golden sun...."
Rebecca then decides to join in.
Dad starts to hum the tune.
I look at all of them and think quietly to myself- "Um. I think I need a new family."
Towards the end of dinner we decide to take family pictures. Of course someone throws out the idea to pick up dad. Why? I have no idea. But, clearly we had to try it. Dad was a little heavier then we expected. It ended with Rebecca crumbling to the ground, Dad almost landing on top of her, and me getting stepped on. After dropping Dad, Rebecca asked why she wasn't the one to be picked up, since she was the bride?! Naturally, we quickly agreed and picked her up. I love my family and am beyond blessed. However, I think you can see why we needed that private room....
Mom stands up and tries to give a toast about how things are changing and she is so thankful for all of us. Blah Blah Blah. You can see the tears gathering in her eyes. Allison interrups- "Mom! Are you crying?" Me- "Omgosh. Mom. She isn't dying. You need to relax." Rebecca- "I'm the bride. I'm the bride. Mom- "UGH! Ok. Fiiinneeeee girls." (Dad just sitting and watching all of this happen... keeping his thoughts to himself.)
Rebecca was trying to go over the wedding weekend agenda. Allison kept interrupting, not letting her get through it. The next thing I know, Mom, Allison, and Rebecca break into a song from the Sound of Music. Dad hums in the background. It went something like this:
Rebecca- "Ok. Let's start at the beginning."
Mom and Allison look at each other and then quickly start singing- "Doe. A Deer. A female deer. Rae. A drop of golden sun...."
Rebecca then decides to join in.
Dad starts to hum the tune.
I look at all of them and think quietly to myself- "Um. I think I need a new family."
Towards the end of dinner we decide to take family pictures. Of course someone throws out the idea to pick up dad. Why? I have no idea. But, clearly we had to try it. Dad was a little heavier then we expected. It ended with Rebecca crumbling to the ground, Dad almost landing on top of her, and me getting stepped on. After dropping Dad, Rebecca asked why she wasn't the one to be picked up, since she was the bride?! Naturally, we quickly agreed and picked her up. I love my family and am beyond blessed. However, I think you can see why we needed that private room....
Thursday, June 16, 2011
mixed signals
My good friend, Joe Don, and I used to have a blog. It was called Games are for Toddlers, and we mostly talked about crazy and random relationship games that people play. We basically just took our sarcastic attitude and wrote/vented about whatever we wanted. While I am working on my next few posts, I figured I would share with you one of our previous posts. *Note: We referred to all guys as Todd and all the ladies were named Sally. Our topics were not based on anybody in particular; simply randomness that came to us.*
MIXED SIGNALS: Why do we do it?
To all the Todds out there,
Why can't you be up front with your intentions? Why can't you just let all the Sallys know how you feel? Are you dense? Gay? Unable to make a decision? Meanwhile, all the Sallys are at home screaming into the ear of their besties asking them to analyze your every little move and word. Please Todd, please help Sally out. Are you not aware that your inability to man-up on what you want out of the relationship with Sally is affecting not only her, but all of her friends who have to listen to her whine/complain and try to figure out what the heck you are doing? Are you doing it on purpose, or can you really just not make up your mind? Stop the insanity Todd!
To all the Sallys- listen up!
You probably aren't much better, so you can wipe the angelic looks off your face. Don't play your little coy games with Todd. It's not fair. If for some God sent luck, Todd decides to man up- you need to do the same. It is a two way street people! Stop with all the confusing "vibe-reading" games, and just be honest.
Ponder this if you will- trying to "read" the other person never really works out the way you want it to. (You know you are shaking your head in agreement right now.) Is she leaning towards me? Did he mean to touch my arm? (No woman, he just walked behind you and accidentlly ran into you. Geez) Is he going to kiss me? Is she texting another guy? Blah Blah Blah. You wanna know why girls go to the bathroom in groups? They are talking about you, Todd! Please be honest with your intentions so Sally and all the other girls in the world can stop analyzing every move you make.
MIXED SIGNALS: Why do we do it?
To all the Todds out there,
Why can't you be up front with your intentions? Why can't you just let all the Sallys know how you feel? Are you dense? Gay? Unable to make a decision? Meanwhile, all the Sallys are at home screaming into the ear of their besties asking them to analyze your every little move and word. Please Todd, please help Sally out. Are you not aware that your inability to man-up on what you want out of the relationship with Sally is affecting not only her, but all of her friends who have to listen to her whine/complain and try to figure out what the heck you are doing? Are you doing it on purpose, or can you really just not make up your mind? Stop the insanity Todd!
To all the Sallys- listen up!
You probably aren't much better, so you can wipe the angelic looks off your face. Don't play your little coy games with Todd. It's not fair. If for some God sent luck, Todd decides to man up- you need to do the same. It is a two way street people! Stop with all the confusing "vibe-reading" games, and just be honest.
Ponder this if you will- trying to "read" the other person never really works out the way you want it to. (You know you are shaking your head in agreement right now.) Is she leaning towards me? Did he mean to touch my arm? (No woman, he just walked behind you and accidentlly ran into you. Geez) Is he going to kiss me? Is she texting another guy? Blah Blah Blah. You wanna know why girls go to the bathroom in groups? They are talking about you, Todd! Please be honest with your intentions so Sally and all the other girls in the world can stop analyzing every move you make.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
memorial day
This weekend rocked. I love 3 day weekends. I love when friends come in town. I love going to the lake house. I love playing in the sun. I love floating the river. What more could a girl ask for?!
Friday- Mary, her boyfriend Craig, Meredith, Jessica, Dubie, and Lauren all came in town. I love it when friends come visit! We went over to a friend's house and watched some of the boys make jello shots for the upcoming float trip. The girls were not allowed in the kitchen, and were not allowed any input on what was going in the jello shots. (I think this was a wise decision and I am not sure I want to know what was in them). They came up with crazy names and weird things to put in them. Boys will be boys.
Saturday- 40 people. 1 party bus. 1 rockin party mix. Need I say more? It was a blast. The Comal River was packed, but it was perfect! SO MUCH FUN. The weather was amazing. I got myself settled on my float and didn't move for the rest of the day. AMAZING. After the float trip, a few of us went to Maudies to dominate some mexican food. Hello heaven.
Sunday- Brad and I gathered up a group of friends and went to the lake house for the day. The day included a rowdy volleyball tourney, jumping off the dock and laying in the sun. I don't think I could have asked for a more perfect day. Sunday night, we went to Maiko, a yummy sushi place that has a great Sunday happy hour. Are you jealous of my weekend yet?
I wish every weekend was like that! Can we have 3 day weekends all the time? It would make life so much better. I need all of my friends to move to Austin so we can spend our life outside in the sun. GREAT. GREAT. WEEKEND. Friends- please come back soon.
Friday- Mary, her boyfriend Craig, Meredith, Jessica, Dubie, and Lauren all came in town. I love it when friends come visit! We went over to a friend's house and watched some of the boys make jello shots for the upcoming float trip. The girls were not allowed in the kitchen, and were not allowed any input on what was going in the jello shots. (I think this was a wise decision and I am not sure I want to know what was in them). They came up with crazy names and weird things to put in them. Boys will be boys.
Saturday- 40 people. 1 party bus. 1 rockin party mix. Need I say more? It was a blast. The Comal River was packed, but it was perfect! SO MUCH FUN. The weather was amazing. I got myself settled on my float and didn't move for the rest of the day. AMAZING. After the float trip, a few of us went to Maudies to dominate some mexican food. Hello heaven.
Sunday- Brad and I gathered up a group of friends and went to the lake house for the day. The day included a rowdy volleyball tourney, jumping off the dock and laying in the sun. I don't think I could have asked for a more perfect day. Sunday night, we went to Maiko, a yummy sushi place that has a great Sunday happy hour. Are you jealous of my weekend yet?
I wish every weekend was like that! Can we have 3 day weekends all the time? It would make life so much better. I need all of my friends to move to Austin so we can spend our life outside in the sun. GREAT. GREAT. WEEKEND. Friends- please come back soon.

Friday, May 20, 2011
rebecca is all grown up.
I can't believe Rebecca is graduating. Seriously. It blows my mind. Not because I never thought she would be able to graduate, but because I can't believe she is old enough to be graduating from college. Rebecca and I are about 4.5 years apart, which means that I am lucky enough to be able to remember bits and pieces of her growing up. I have a vivid memory of the day she was born. Allison and I were with our grandparents driving to the hospital to meet our new sister. We were struggling with her name... for some reason Rebecca just wouldn't stick with us. I remember we parked in the hospital parking lot and Mimi started to clap out her name. RE.BEC.CA. We joined in and finally got it down. RE.BEC.CA. Boom. We semi-learned our little sister's name. I remember seeing her for the first time. I don't remember everything about those years, but that one day is such vivid and wonderful memory. I had 2 little sisters. Rebecca was such a sweet and innocent little baby... little did she know what she was getting into with Allison and me as her older sisters!
Now, that little baby sister is all grown up, and she has turned into a beautiful Godly woman. She graduated from the University of Texas on Friday, and, in 20 short days, she will be getting married. (Wow, don't I feel unproductive and old.) From the day she was born, she has known who she is. She wasn't swayed by peer pressure; she knew who she was and what she wanted- and she went after it. She never swayed from her beliefs. My goodness, I am so proud of that girl.

If you don't have a younger sibling, then you might not understand where I am coming from. It is a weird feeling to know that one of the people, who you have tried to look out for and protect their whole life, doesn't need you to do that anymore. She is all grown up. She is getting married.
I was lucky to have 2 younger sisters around when growing up. Even though they are both adults, I still consider them my "little sisters." I will always be there to bug them and try to look out for them. And if they don't like it- TOUGH COOKIES.
Friday, April 29, 2011
walking through the drive-through.
Preface- Brad and I walked to the bank. After his banking experience, he said he was scarred for life and told me I should blog about this. Read on....
I used to work in the old Chase Bank building. For those who don't live in Austin, I am fully aware that means nothing to you, but just go with me here. The building still has a drive through where bankers can go to the ATM or deposit checks.
Picture this:
Ground floor- Chase drive through
2nd-7th floor- parking garage levels
8th-11th floor- office buildings
OK, so now you have the basic idea. If you work in the building, you have a few options for depositing a check or getting some cash monies.
Option 1: You can go in the parking garage, get in your car, drive all the way down, do your banking business, drive back up, find a parking spot, and go back to work.
Option 2: Take the elevator downstairs to the bottom floor, walk through the drive through, do your banking business, walk back to the elevator, ride to your floor, and go back to work.
I ask this because I decided to do option 2. Why waste all of that time getting your car and driving when you can get some fresh air and walk through? I don't understand why anyone would pick option 1.
Yes, it is funny/awkward/ridiculous/awesome when I am in STANDING in line (in between the people who are SITTING in their cars), but who cares? It is ten times easier.
So, I ask you- which option do you pick? Do you go with the one that takes much more effort and time, but it is less awkward/normal? Or, do you pick the second one that might be a little weird, but it is a million times easier and quicker?
PS- Now you can see why Brad was scarred. He also said he would never go to the bank with me again. Clearly he would have picked option 1.....lame.
I used to work in the old Chase Bank building. For those who don't live in Austin, I am fully aware that means nothing to you, but just go with me here. The building still has a drive through where bankers can go to the ATM or deposit checks.
Picture this:
Ground floor- Chase drive through
2nd-7th floor- parking garage levels
8th-11th floor- office buildings
OK, so now you have the basic idea. If you work in the building, you have a few options for depositing a check or getting some cash monies.
Option 1: You can go in the parking garage, get in your car, drive all the way down, do your banking business, drive back up, find a parking spot, and go back to work.
Option 2: Take the elevator downstairs to the bottom floor, walk through the drive through, do your banking business, walk back to the elevator, ride to your floor, and go back to work.
I ask this because I decided to do option 2. Why waste all of that time getting your car and driving when you can get some fresh air and walk through? I don't understand why anyone would pick option 1.
Yes, it is funny/awkward/ridiculous/awesome when I am in STANDING in line (in between the people who are SITTING in their cars), but who cares? It is ten times easier.
So, I ask you- which option do you pick? Do you go with the one that takes much more effort and time, but it is less awkward/normal? Or, do you pick the second one that might be a little weird, but it is a million times easier and quicker?
PS- Now you can see why Brad was scarred. He also said he would never go to the bank with me again. Clearly he would have picked option 1.....lame.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Follow me. Do it.
If you don't already "Follow Me", you should.
Just sayin.
Just sayin.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
book worm
I am a book worm and proud of it. At least 2 days a week I close my office door during lunch, eat my Smart One and read my book. (Should I be embarrassed to admit that? I'm not.) I came across 2 new authors, which is always fun. (New to me, that is.)
Have you read any of Catherine Coulter's books? She has written a ton, so I have a bright reading future ahead of me! I have read 2 of her FBI Suspense Thriller Series, and have more coming in the mail this week. If you are looking for a new book, I recommend Tailspin and Knock Out. (I liked Tailspin more.) Follow the link in my book list to purchase it.

I also read The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly. I came across it while playing on the Barnes and Noble website (don't judge me). I enjoyed meeting Mickey Haller (the main character). By the middle of the book, I couldn't put it down. I am itching to see the movie with Matthew McConaughey. Lunch Box on the Bobby Bones show was talking about the movie this week. He was saying how much he enjoyed it. If LB likes it, its gonna be good... right?! I am anxious to read the second book in the Series.

I have 2 Catherine Coulter books being mailed to me. I want to order the next Michael Connelly book, but is it too aggressive to have 3 books mailed to me at the same time? I can't decided...
birthday weekend for my man friend
This past weekend Brad turned 27. But, if anyone asks, he only turned 25. He is having a hard time accepting the fact that he is 27, so he is telling anyone and everyone who asks that he is only 25. On Friday night we went to one of his favorite restaurants, Moonshine. It was my first time to eat there, and my goodness it was good! In case anyone is interested, I had a Texas Flat Iron steak with blue cheese butter and wine sauce on top, broccoli, carrots, and a salad. Yes, it was as delicious as it sounds.
*Side-note- Moonshine is known for their mac and cheese. I tried it, and it was pretty tasty. However, I found it to taste a lot like Luby's. I love me some Luby's, so I was fine with that, but it was definitely not what I was expecting. I wonder if anyone else has noticed the similarities...
Saturday, I got up and worked out, and then Brad and I headed to the Outlet stores in San Marcus. I got some work clothes, and he got some fun birthday goodies. Saturday night, we joined some friends at Maudies for some dinner and margaritas. Then, we headed downtown to meet up with more friends and visit some of Brad's favorite bars. I wish I had gotten a picture of the group who came out with us! (Boo. That was poor planning on my part.) Anyhoo, that was my weekend. I know everyone was desperately waiting for me to post about what I did. It was fun to celebrate the life of Bradley Michael Baroch.
isn't my sister pprreeetttyyyyy?

Thursday, March 31, 2011
bandana ball

Friday, March 25, 2011
free dinner for 2
Aunt Susie and Uncle Will offered Brad and me a Groupon for a free 4-course meal at The Irish Emerald Restaurant, which is off of Highway71.

Picture courtesy of the restaurant website.
Let's just discuss this awesome meal that we got. It was called The Kinsale- Chateaubraind. It included the following:
Irish Potato Soup
Irish House Salad
Heart of Tenderloin (cooked just the way we liked it) with
madeira mushroom sauce and roast onions, fresh garden vegetables
Irish Whiskey Cake

Look at how fancy the dessert was served. 2 swans.... precious.
The sauce on the meat and vegetables was phenomenal. I may or may not have tried to steal some bites off of Brad's plate when he wasn't looking. YUMMY! What a great date night, courtesy of my fabulous family. The restaurant is in a super cute little cottage- absolutely adorable. This place is kind of expensive, but thanks to the Groupon, we were able to try a new, fun place.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I love Austin. Seriously, this city is amazing. SXSW is just one of the many reasons why I love living here. In honor of Southby, please enjoy some music.
I came across this song on YouTube. I love this band, and this is a new song to me.
I saw them last year at SXSW- they were so good!
Kanye and Kid Cudi on Saturday? Yes Please!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
don't settle

I love this.
I randomly came across this picture on one of the many blogs I look at (sorry, I don't remember which one) and instantly fell in love with it. I think this a great life lesson.
- Don't settle for a job that you hate: keep looking for something that makes you happy.
- Don't settle for just anyone to keep you company: find the one who makes you smile and loves you for you.
- Don't settle for being unhappy: change something.
It is up to you- DO.NOT.SETTLE. I am making a conscious effort to not settle, and I encourage you to do the same. This is the time.
Friday, March 11, 2011
happy weekend
Cheers to: Friday! My sister's first wedding shower! Date night with my man friend! My family coming in town! Sunshine! A run around Town Lake! Daylight savings! Frollicking outside!
**Happy weekend my friends- looks like it is going to be a good one.**
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Vacations are the best thing ever invented. I think we can all agree on that. Brad and I went to Denver to visit his extended family, and then we jumped over to Estes Park for a little show-shoeing adventure. Brad's family is so sweet, and it was super fun to see where he grew up.
Red Rocks in Denver, Colorado
The cabin in Estes Park
My man friend and me before our snow-shoe adventure.

Lake #1: Nymph Lake
Hallett Peak to the left and Flattop to the right. BEAUTIFUL
Lake #2: Dream Lake
Lake #3: Emerald Lake. Our final destination.
The front range peaking out of the clouds!
habitually chic
I found a new blog... and I am in love. Check out Habitually Chic if you are not already a follower. She is from New York and everything is so hip!

I have a thing for bathtubs. I must have one! This is a beautiful design with the window right by the tub, great light and a great paint color.

Love this staircase! Love the wall color, the pictures, the dark wood... love it all.

All I have to say is, give me this entire kitchen.

Love this dark fireplace with the gray furniture. I am digging the blue pop of the pillow and flowers.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sometimes I wish I was an actress. Not because I want to be famous, but because I want a reason to wear beautiful designer gowns. I would hate the acting but LLOOOVVVEEEE the fashion.
My top 4 dresses of the night....

Camila Alves in Kaufman Franco. GIMME!

Jennifer Hudson in Versace. Absolutely beautiful.

Halle Berry got mixed reviews on her Markesa dress. I, however, love it.

Jennifer Lawrence in Francisco Costa for Calvin Klein. SEXY. SEXY. SEXY.
Monday, February 28, 2011
a little rage is okay
Someone from the Austin Alzheimer's Association contacted me last week and asked if I would be willing to share my story/connection with Alzheimer's. They want to document what families go through when someone is diagnosed and possible use the story for the media. I was immediately torn. On the one hand, having to share my story would mean that I would have to think about the disease, think back to all of the hard and sad times, think ahead to all of the hard and sad times to come- I wasn't sure if I could do it. But, on the other hand, I thought about how much I would have loved to find someone's story like mine, when my dad was first diagnosed. It would have helped a tremendous amount to know that I wasn't alone. After thinking about it for awhile, I decided that I would do it. Yes, it is going to suck, but if it could maybe help one person, then it will be worth it. So, I agreed to do it.
I tried to start numerous times, but I couldn't. It was like I had writer's block or something. After two days, I finally just started typing whatever came to my mind. I didn't worry about formatting, spelling, how it sounded or anything. I just started. As I was typing, I found myself getting angry. I wanted to yell ALZHEIMER'S SUCKS!!!!
Before getting started, I asked if they wanted me to include anything in my 'story.' If they had any points they wanted me to talk about? She was very nice and said anything and everything I wanted to share. She gave me some great broad questions that helped me get started. One of the questions that was suggested to me was how does it make you feel? WELL, let me tell you! Alzheimer's makes me feel mad! Sad! Upset! Unfair! WHY US?! I could go on and on. Another question was how do you deal with it? Um, you can't. Just when you finally start dealing with one symptom, another one shows up, and it's like you have to start all over again. Frustrating? YES. VERY.
With my dad having this horrid disease, I am learning patience. My dad wrote me a very sweet Valentine's Day note. However, he spelled my name wrong... twice. On the envelope, he spelled it Kaitlin. In the letter, he spelled it Katlyn. (Which is at least a little closer then the first attempt.) This got to me. I am named KATELYN because of my dad. He liked the name Kate. My mom thought I should have a longer name, which lead to adding Lyn (after her sister.) They spelled it the way it is because of my dad. How does the person who named me forget how to spell my name?! Because I don't have Alz, I can't possibly understand. I have to remind myself that he can't help it. I can't let it hurt me. Patience. Thank you Jesus.
Trying to write my 'story' put me in a funk all day Saturday. But, I am doing it for that one person who might stumble across it when they need it. I don't like reliving the pain, but I know that it could possibly help someone in the future. I am thankful for this blog, because it lets me vent my anger and frustration. Now, I won't yell so much in the story I give to the Alzheimer's Association. I am going to be real and upfront in what I say. I am not going to sugarcoat what my family and I deal with, but I will try to do it with a little less rage and irritation. :)
Dear Lord, help me write. Please hold my hand as I relive what I sometimes try to forget.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I get to go to Colorado in TWO WEEKS! Best. News. Ever. I get to go to Denver and then Estes Park for a day. I can't wait! There is a good chance I will be talking about Colorado a lot over the next few weeks, so you should just get used to it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
grammy favorites
I watched a Grammy's fashion segment on Hulu yesterday, and I fell in love with some of the dresses! I don't think I would be able to pull off any of them, but oh how I wish I could. Some of these were not the top picks of the Grammy reports, but I think they should all be on the best dressed list.

I am slightly obsessed Keri Hilson's dress!

Julianne Hough ROCKED this.

Oh, Heidi Klum... How you sparkle in gold.

Love Love Love what Lea Michele is wearing. Love the accessories, the slit, the shoes- everything.

J Lo is dominating this look. Obsessed with the sparkles.

This entire dress is made of sequins. Enough said.
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