I can't believe Rebecca is graduating. Seriously. It blows my mind. Not because I never thought she would be able to graduate, but because I can't believe she is old enough to be graduating from college. Rebecca and I are about 4.5 years apart, which means that I am lucky enough to be able to remember bits and pieces of her growing up. I have a vivid memory of the day she was born. Allison and I were with our grandparents driving to the hospital to meet our new sister. We were struggling with her name... for some reason Rebecca just wouldn't stick with us. I remember we parked in the hospital parking lot and Mimi started to clap out her name. RE.BEC.CA. We joined in and finally got it down. RE.BEC.CA. Boom. We semi-learned our little sister's name. I remember seeing her for the first time. I don't remember everything about those years, but that one day is such vivid and wonderful memory. I had 2 little sisters. Rebecca was such a sweet and innocent little baby... little did she know what she was getting into with Allison and me as her older sisters!

Now, that little baby sister is all grown up, and she has turned into a beautiful Godly woman. She graduated from the University of Texas on Friday, and, in 20 short days, she will be getting married. (Wow, don't I feel unproductive and old.) From the day she was born, she has known who she is. She wasn't swayed by peer pressure; she knew who she was and what she wanted- and she went after it. She never swayed from her beliefs. My goodness, I am so proud of that girl.
If you don't have a younger sibling, then you might not understand where I am coming from. It is a weird feeling to know that one of the people, who you have tried to look out for and protect their whole life, doesn't need you to do that anymore. She is all grown up. She is getting married.
I was lucky to have 2 younger sisters around when growing up. Even though they are both adults, I still consider them my "little sisters." I will always be there to bug them and try to look out for them. And if they don't like it- TOUGH COOKIES.
Dude, I feel unproductive too. She is my younger than me by like 8 months and look at what she is done. Jeez! Don't worry, I be friends wif you.
ReplyDeletei just cried a little