Before I get to the New Year, let me discuss the BAYLOR BOWL GAME!! Allison, who works for the Texans, hooked us up with a suite for the bowl game. We rounded up most of the Davis clan, the Baroch family, the Lye family and a few friends for the game. While the suite was SWEET, the game was not. We did not play well, but I am still very proud of the season! Sic em Baylor!

Check out the friend Allison brought up. It was so fun to see Andy!

Allison had to work for the first half, but was able to come play with us for some of the second. She called her boss, who was working the camera for the jumbo screen and had him put our suite on camera... yes, we are officially famous now.

One of the main highlights of the bowl game was the mini roomie reunion. Paige and Haley made the trek and joined Mary and me in Houston! The 4 of us went to breakfast, did some shopping and spent the day together. I miss them. SO MUCH. Haley, Mary and I gathered up our man friends and the 6 of us went to dinner and then hit the town! I was on cloud 9 the entire night. Ugh, I love them. I wish we could have a permanent roomie go back to college and live together again.

HELLLLLO 2011! Brad and I headed back to Austin for the New Year. A bunch of our friends rented the lake house next to mine for the night. I was skeptical at first, but it ended up being a great idea! The house they rented was HUGE! It slept most everyone, and the extras slept at my house. We dressed up in sassy clothes, ate a ton of food, played in the yard and on the dock, drank some champagne and had a random dance party (which was hilarious). All in all- a very successful evening.

woohooo! April came in town!

the ladies

the men