To sum up my Christmas break in 1 word- FAMILY. I spent a full week at home in Houston- the longest I have been there since college. It was very relaxing to be able to go home and not worry about having a lot to do. I got to spend time with Kyle and Rebecca and hear about all of their wedding plans. Dad and I had some quality time together- always a good time. We took the dogs for walks, ate ice cream for breakfast, had spelling lessons and learned how to use Goggle Maps on his phone. Allison wasn't around very much because she had to work, but we got to play a little. I went to Mom's office for lunch one day and was mortified when she announced me to the entire office. Yup- that happened. Mom was determined to get a family picture, so we had a small photo shoot... with the dogs and without the dogs, sitting down and standing up, with Kyle (our new addition) and without Kyle. You're welcome Lisa.

This is our typical family picture.

I spent Christmas afternoon at the Baroch's house. It was so sweet of them to invite me over and to include me in their Christmas traditions. We opened presents and had Christmas dinner. We also got to hang out with Brett and Mandy (Brad's brother and sister-in-law). I had a wonderful time being a part of everything. Brad spent the day after Christmas with my family. We watched football, ate dinner and had some delicious Marble Slab ice cream...yes, I think the ice cream might be one of my favorite things about the day. It was fun to be able to have relaxing family time with both of our families.... something that doesn't happen very often.

Look at these two precious pups. I love them. Meet Bailey and Maggie. We spent some quality time together over the week. Bailey and I went on a road trip to Starbucks, we took walks, laid on the couch, barked... it was magical. Look at how much fun they are having!!

I was spoiled this Christmas with some great gifts. Mom and Dad got me a rockin
Michael Kors watch. I got a new puppy calendar for my apartment and a wine rack from
Pottery Barn! Brad asked me what I wanted from Santa. I joked and said a pink pony. Well, he got me exactly what I asked for... a pink pony! (True story) Hah he was very excited and emailed Allison and Rebecca to tell them. He also spoiled me with a necklace, my favorite perfume and a scarf.

Meet Pony.
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