UGH. The news is depressing. I am so sick of reading about all of the devastating things happening in the world. Every time you read the paper or turn on the news, you hear about another shooting, another kidnapping, more death, more riots, losing jobs, losing money, pollution- the list goes on and on. It makes me want to not read the paper, but then I feel like I have no idea what's going on in the world... it is a never-ending cycle.
I wish there was a paper that listed all of the good things. I am fully aware of what kind of stories sell- what kinds of things people want to hear, but I also don't think I am alone in wanting to hear some good news. It makes me want to start a paper/blog/whatever that talks about the praises. I had a professor in college that would take the first 10 minutes every Monday and let a few people share their praises- what good thing happened to them. Some shared that a family member was healed, some shared about a hard exam they passed, someone got engaged, etc. I loved that we had a chance to focus on the positive things in life! I left each Monday class with my spirits a little bit higher. Why does our society focus solely on the negative? Negative things don't make people happy, yet we continue to focus on those things.
I am changing that today. I am going to try to focus on the good things in life. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for and that is what I should be thinking about! What are some of the positive things that have happened to you so far this week? What are some of your praises? I encourage you to join me in starting a new trend of focusing on the good.
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