Baylor Homecoming= so much fun! Instead of trying to write out everything awesome about the weekend, I figured I would go for a bullet list... it's much easier.
- Parade- Kappa/ATO float was great. Class A winner!
- Tailgating- A huge success. I got to see a bunch of fun friends, including my old roomie, Paige, and her husband. The rain/wind/ hour and 45 minute game delay only made the day more exciting. The mud, on the other hand, sucked. My shoes are still covered.
- Game- SUCH A FUN GAME! We played Kansas Sate and WON! The Baylor Bears are now bowl-eligible for the first time since 1995. We now have a 6-2 record! We are 24th in the Coaches Poll and 25th in both the AP and BCS polls. I have so much Baylor pride. We have come such a long way, and I am so proud of us! SIC EM BEARS! The last time we were bowl-eligible, we weren't picked. I don't even want to think about that happening, I won't. I will be thinking about our game on Saturday against UT!

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