What a fun weekend in Dallas! A rooftop party (where we encouraged drivers who attempted to parallel
park in a tiny but do-able spot), watched the Baylor/Tech game at the Cotton Bowl, experienced the state fair for the first time and fun friends- what more could a girl ask for?

The Baylor game was great, even though we lost. It was fun running into friends who I wasn't expecting to see... just another reason why I love Baylor events so much. I also LOVED walking into the stadium and seeing all the green and gold. Yes, I am fully aware of my dorkiness- embrace it. I was very proud of the team. We have gotten so much better over the years! Come on Baylor... only 2 more wins until a BOWL GAME!

The state fair was a blast. It being my first time, I wanted to do everything right, which of course meant eat a ton of food, ride the ferris wheel and play all the games. Let me just list all the foods we had. It makes me sick just thinking about it: corny dogs, fried moon pie, caramel apples, funnel cake, hot dog, turkey leg, beer and a hurricane. UGH. TOO MUCH. Highlight of my state fair experience? The ferris wheel! While some people in the group didn't feel the need to wait in line, Brad and I felt like it was something we just had to do... the essence of the fair if you will. Totally worth the wait.

I would also like to say that I don't fit in uptown Dallas. The group went to Taco Diner one night for dinner. Compared to everyone else, we looked like trash. I was even wearing heels! (Which I hate and don't do often.) I felt like I was at prom in jeans while everyone else was in a ball gown. I am not cut out for uptown.. but I am totally fine with it. I think I will stick to Austin where everything is much more relaxed. Dear uptown, please stop judging me. Thank you.
i can't help but starting shouting "our state fair is a great state fair....don't miss it! don't even, be laaate!" in my head